RFID Tag Based Kashya Water Bottles


RFID Tag Based Kashya Water Bottles

  • A revolutionary RFID Tag based water bottle to eradicate and replace single use plastic water bottles for healing environment for generations to come.
  • The RFID Tag based water bottle is not just a water bottle but it’s a smart souvenir water bottle with a built-in-chip that makes staying hydrated easier and in a more sustainable manner.
  • It is easily refillable at any nearby water kiosks by just placing the bottle over the RFID reader and then it will automatically scan the RFID and refill the bottle as per instructions given over mobile app i.e. cold, comfort or Luke warm.
  • The bottle is refillable freely up to a certain limit (currently 7 days) and thereafter the same would be chargeable based on the Agreement with the service provider / facilitator of the dispensing machines.
  • With RFID Tag Based Kashya Water Bottles, customer will not just quench his thirst but will also reduce his carbon footprint and help in eliminating single use plastic waste.